Geof's Bio

Name                                  : Geof Kirschbaum
Favorite Team (and why)               : A true Bostonian must constantly live in dread over
                                        what tragedy will next befall his or her team.  Who
                                        could ask for anything more?
2nd Favorite Team (and why)           : Don't tell anyone but when I was a pee-wee line
                                        backer I lived in Florida -- so I kinda like the
                                        Dolphins too.
Team You Hate Most (and why)          : New Yawk Jests, let me count the ways, fortunately,
                                        except for a blip in the summer of love they are just
                                        as pathetic as the Patriots
Email                                 :
Why You Think Rob is Such a Great Guy : Umm...well...Kaori is nice.

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Last Change: 31 August 2000 /